Carrying Case for RM3548 Resistance Tester
If you received a wrong item, different from what you ordered and paid for, please inform us within 7 days from receipt the item. We will replace it at our cost.
Please make sure it is in original packing with all accessories, catalogues and without any damage. If you don’t receive the ordered goods with in the stipulated time, please inform us within 3 working days and request for Refund.
At the time of delivery, if you find the packing is defective and damaged during transportation, you can refuse to accept and send back through same courier.
After receiving, if you find any manufacturing defect or shortage of accessories, catalogues etc., please report to us within 7 working days. We will contact you and solve the issue if it is genuine claim.
If you ordered wrong item and if it is your mistake, unfortunately we can not take back or exchange. Kindly make sure you are ordering the right product.
After order processed and payment transferred, we cannot accept cancellation of the order. This is because in some cases we are booking order from manufactures and importing for you. In such cases, cancellation is not possible.
Warranty is provided by Manufacturers as per company’s clauses. In case of failure, please email to us with serial number, model number, our invoice number and date of purchase, stating the nature of complaint or fault.
Our team will support you to solve the issue if it is genuine claim as per manufacturer’s warranty clause. Service charges will be applicable if it is out of warranty clauses or if calibration is required.
Orders from stocks will be shipped within two working days after payment.
Orders more than AED 1200/- value will be delivered Free of Cost in the UAE (within city limits).
For outside UAE deliveries will quote charges separately for delivery depending on mode of transportation and urgency of requirement.